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"What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things... it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface."

Constantin Brancusi


The film 'Home, Sweet Hope' tells the story of when the borders opened in Cyprus in 2003 for the first time after the invasion of the Turkish army in 1974 and the subsequent division of the island into two parts. Refugees from both sides of the island, GreekCypriots from the North and TurkishCypriots from the South had to abandon their houses and properties and exchange sides living in separation for many years. With the entrance of Cyprus in the European Union, Turkey decided to open the borders that were dividing the island and allow the entrance of people to the North and to the South. Large numbers of refugees were waiting in lines for days to cross the borders to go see their houses after 30 years for the first time. For the time being they were obliged to show their passports to cross to the border in order to visit their villages, and the duration of their stay was set until midnight. The story is about a refugee grandmother who listens to the news and decides to pack her things to return to her home with the help of her granddaughter; yet she is not aware that the regulations do not allow the refugees to return home but to visit only for a day.The grandaughter is faced with the dillema to inform her grandmom about this or support her dream of the return even for a bit longer. The film was created by Stella Karageorgi as part of her participation with other 20 final competitors from Cyprus who were selected by UNDP-ACT (United Nations Development Program) to participate in filmmaking training and submit a short film at the Cyprus Bicommunal Festival of Young Filmmakers Competition, Cyprus. The film was awarded the Special Mention Award in this festival, in November 2007 .

Reviving the Archaic

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