Mr. de Souza and Jinjing the penguin travel through time!
Back in 2010 I made this sketch. It has been sitting in my drawer gathering dust for years now. What seemed to me like an unimportant sketch inspired by ancient motifs, has now a real story behind it. I was soooooo surprised to find this story online and see my imaginary characters in real life! Watch the video below and tell me, don't you see a resemblance?!!!!!
The drawing found a title now: ' Souza and Jinjing the penguin'.
The drawing was inspired by the ancient motifs below which are found in ancient Cypriot pottery. I take the motifs, mix them up, recreate them and make new stories of them. As an artist this what I do, I 'Revive the Archaic'! Because it already exists out there, it just needs to be seen again with new eyes.
Mr. de Souza and Jinjing the penguin travelled through time to tell a new story!
The archaic pot can be found in Pierides Museum Motifs of ancient cypriot pottery. Source: Book -Larnaka, Cyprus by KARAGEORGHIS,V.&DES GAGNIERS, J. 1974. La céramique chypriote de style figuré âge du fer, 1050-500 av. J.-C, Roma